Getting prepared for Continuous Writing in Paper 1 is not as scary as you think. Have an overview of the potential questions. - they are unlikely to venture very far from these themes - and prepare a couple of compositions so you have something to fall back on immediately in examinations. But, of course, mastering the writing strategies is more beneficial and allows you to handle anything thrown at you.
Reflection - turning over a new leaf

Stories of remorse and repentance |
A conflict A misunderstanding A mistake A mischievous act PSLE 2009 Getting into trouble Home alone A celebration that went wrong A change for the better PSLE 2023 (this can be under Teachable Moment as well) |
Reflection - teachable moment

​Stories of personal growth and insight |
​A memorable incident/experience A joyous occasion A celebration PSLE 2019 / 2014 A surprise / A gift PSLE 2017 / 2013 / 2012 A proud moment A competition A promise PSLE 2021 A long wait PSLE 2022 |

​​Stories of courage and wisdom |
​A frightening incident/experience PSLE 2009 A dangerous situation PSLE 2010 / 2008 / 2007/ 2006 / 2004 / 2002 An unforgettable incident/experience PSLE 2011 A theft PSLE 2003 / 2001 A fight |

​​Stories of humanity |
​A good deed [social responsiblity / civic-mindedness / kindness / empathy ] An inconsiderate act / Being considerate [ social responsiblity / civic-mindedness / righteousness ] PSLE 2015 Being responsible [ responsibility ] A kind act / Lost and found [ kindness / empathy ] PSLE 2020 An act of honesty [ honesty / kindness / empathy ] Helping someone [ kindness / empathy ] Trying something new [ courage ] Teamwork PSLE 2018 |
Where do you think the question from PSLE 2016 - A secret - would fall under? Students' confidence often takes a hit when their writing is not up to standard. Take charge and help them prepare for the upcoming assessments. Reach out if you’d like more information or would like a free consultation.